Tuesday, February 1, 2011

K-town. Kurtis. Kurty.

Ah, Kurtis. The current subject of my blog. A friend like no other. The giver of a good ass-smacking. And the dealer of opinions on all things fashion.

Kurtis Wright. What is there to say about him, other than the fact that he's a diva.
Don't get me wrong, he's a diva in the best sense of the word. Look it up.
di·va  noun \ˈdē-və\
plural divas or di·ve\-(ˌ)vā\
Definition of DIVA
a : prima donna 1 b : prima donna 2 (a vain or undisciplined person who finds it difficult to work under direction or as part of a team)
2: a usually glamorous and successful female performer or personality <a fashion diva>; especially : a popular female singer <pop divas>

Mind you, Kurtis is not a female... but the first bit, the "prima donna" bit - that one is good.
Ok - that doesn't sound like a good thing... but let me explain. He is a teeny bit vain (adj: having or showing undue or excessive pride in one's appearance or achievements) - and again that comes off as awful - but, to quote the subject himself "More people should be vain, we would have a more confident world."

So - explanations, compliments and definitions aside, Kurtis is great. He's that friend you go shopping with if you want a brutally honest opinion about whether or not those jeans make your butt look fat, or if that shirt suits you at all. It's good. It's brash. It's useful. It's ever so fabulous. It's Kurtis.

Kurtis moved away to Calgary a couple years ago, but keeps in touch through BBM. He checked in often when my dad was sick, that made me pretty stoked to have him as a friend. He's hundreds of kilometres away and still cares, still checks in, still wants to know what's going on here in my life and the life of my family. He's awesome like that.

Everyone needs a Kurtis in their life. I've got mine :)

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