Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Traffic, parking and road rage... oh %@^$!

So, like many Winnipeggers, I have the unfortunate ability to drive. I say unfortunate because if you've ever been stuck behind that person driving 25 clicks in a 60 zone and are unable to pass due to oncoming traffic, or you're forced to swerve into said oncoming traffic because the person in front of your slams on their brakes and starts sliding on a patch of ice, you know - like most of the drivers out there (if not all of them) - that something unfortunate is bound to happen. You'll end up late for work, school or an appointment, or - if you happen to find that amazingly sneaky patch of ice, you'll end up injured, or extremely frustrated and possibly end up shelling out a pretty penny or two (million) on repairs to your poor, sad vehicle.

This morning, for example, I was driving to work and had the opportunity to travel in a 50 zone, behind someone clipping along at a miraculous 25. That's right folks, twenty-freakin-five. Not only is that far below the speed limit (or suggested minimum as a certain relative of mine would say) but that's HALF of the speed limit, and quite dangerous. Don't get me wrong, it's not quite as dangerous as going double the limit, but still, you force people behind you to take drastic measures (occasionally) to make it to work on time. Do the limit - MAYBE 5 or 10 under/over - and we'll all get along fine. If you can't manage that, maybe you should be re-tested... just saying.

Another transportation peeve of mine - and I know many of you out there have experienced one of these critters - the people who don't know how to park. Be it parallel parking on a street, or parking in a lot (diagonally or otherwise). A little gem I found the other day, was at Safeway on Henderson and Kimberly. A brilliant motorist decided to park HALF in the parking space, and HALF in the driving lane, leaving little more than 3/4 of a car's width for navigating through the zoo that is that lot. On this particular occasion, I was with my cousin who, upon noticing this lovely parking job, pointed out to me that she had encountered a worse parking lot experience. She had started off her day on not only the wrong foot, but the wrong side of everything. That particular day was going downhill fast, like a runaway train. She had gone to almost every hardware/handy-person's store possible, and could not find what she was looking for. Her last stop was Safeway, hoping that they might - on the off chance - have lock-de-icer. When she left the store, she found that not only was she blocked in from ALL sides (yes, front, back and side to side) but there was no one in the vehicle. In to Safeway she went, hoping to page this bright young lad out to his vehicle. Alas, no such luck. As she was leaving, again, she found that he was just pulling away. She ran up to him, and said "you blocked me in, I've been waiting for you for half an hour, and had your licence plate paged through the store". Now, is it asking too much to expect an apology, or at the very least a sympathetic - even half-assed - "sorry"? Apparently. This fella, just said "bummer" and drove off.

Yikes. Parking lots = hazards and should be left to skilled drivers only. Especially only those that know how to park. I'm not saying I'm excellent at it, I know I've had my share of bad parking jobs. I'm just saying we should leave this to the professionals people.

Parallel parking on residential streets... wow. That's another beast entirely. Why, oh why, would you park in a space that is large enough for two trucks - not in the middle, which is bad enough - but with 3/4 of a cars length in front of you, and the remaining 1/4 behind you? Pull up all the way, or tuck yourself in properly so that someone else can use that lovely space, please!

That's enough from me on that... for now.

You know you've got bad road rage when it presents itself on a blog post, or in conversations not even remotely related to anything transportation at all. I need to chill out and get a chauffeur. Jeeze.

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