Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Check me into the loony bin

Oh deary, deary me. I was sitting at my desk today, laughing to myself. Audibly. Why? Cause I think... I could be going a tiny bit crazy... OR it could be the fact that I recalled a joke shared between a friend and myself on our way to pick up a third friend. I'm that goofy, laughing person you don't want to sit by on the bus. It hits me at the most inconvenient times. Like today, sitting at my desk. Oh - and the best part? I was recalling something that wasn't even all that hilarious. To us, sure, it was hysterical... to someone else listening in? Ridiculous. But that's how we roll.

Anyways, I'm sitting here, thinking about Coke Zero of all things... and that's when it struck me. A giggle fit. Crap. See, Coke Zero led me to remember a conversation we had about Coke Zero in my car... and what it does to us. Oh boy. Naturally, I try to hide the giggles, making them more obvious. Awesome, now, not only will my co-workers think I'm nuts, they'll have proof!

Of course, this led me to text said friend about my giggle fit, and hopefully... hopefully send her spiralling into one of her own. We'll see.

Have you ever been hit with the mysterious giggles?? Has it ever happened on the bus? by yourself? surrounded by people?? That, that is just an experience in itself. At least, when these strange fits hit and I'm in my car, I can pass it off like I'm listening to the radio, or on my phone - bluetooth people - and not look so crazy. On the bus, no such luxury - unless you happen to have your phone out and open just before it hits, and pass it off as a hilarious text.

Anyways, the point of my little rant, I think I might be losing my mind. That is, unless other people are afflicted just like me...

Is anyone else just as crazy as I feel???